BaZi 2 is a course on BaZi structures. It is also the second module in our BaZi course.
In this course, you will learn to identify six BaZi structures: Overly Strong Structure (专旺格), Fake Overly Strong Structure (假专旺格), Overly Weak Structure / Follower Structure (从格), Fake Overly Weak Structure / Fake Follower Structure (假从格), Normal Strong Structure (正旺格) and Normal Weak Structure (正弱格). You will also learn to identify the favourable and unfavourable Ten Gods (十神).
This course is taught in English. Concepts are explained using examples. The topics covered in this course are given below.
This course is for anyone interested to learn how to identify BaZi structures and to identify favourable and unfavourable Ten Gods. This module requires knowledge of BaZi 1 or its equivalent.
Please read Why sign up BaZi course?
To sign up, please click Sign Up BaZi 2 (This is the only place or website to sign up this course). If you have any enquiries, please contact us.
This course is conducted in Singapore.
2.1 Concept of Friend (自党) and Enemy (异党)
2.2 Types of BaZi structure
2.3 Overly Strong Structure (专旺格)
2.4 Fake Overly Strong Structure (假专旺格)
2.5 Overly Weak Structure (从格)
2.6 Fake Overly Weak Structure (假从格)
2.7 Normal Strong Structure (正旺格)
2.8 Normal Weak Structure (正弱格)